A cast of local comedians band together as reluctant heroes, pitted against a fantastical world of beasts, magic, and dubious attempts at character voices - in an unscripted, live play Dungeons & Dragons adventure. Featuring Luis (founder of Icebreaker Dundee), Andy Bullick and Scott Redmond (of Fever Peach fame). All of this and it's hosted by Chris Beattie!
19:00 (1hr)
A cast of local comedians band together as reluctant heroes, pitted against a fantastical world of beasts, magic, and dubious attempts at character voices - in an unscripted, live play Dungeons & Dragons adventure. Featuring Luis (founder of Icebreaker Dundee), Andy Bullick and Scott Redmond (of Fever Peach fame). All of this and it's hosted by Chris...
Event Type
Sweet@Keiller Centre
Running Time
60 min
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