This is the story of the Turnipman who wanted it all...
This doomed horror comedy tells a long-forgotten tale about Count Gilbert, the Turnipman, his adventures and misfortunes from his glory days - when after the death of his Mama and the mysterious disappearance of his Papa, he began ruling over his village, up until his untimely… Well, let’s just say - he had some enemies…
19:00 (1hr)
This is the story of the Turnipman who wanted it all...
This doomed horror comedy tells a long-forgotten tale about Count Gilbert, the Turnipman, his adventures and misfortunes from his glory days - when after the death of his Mama and the mysterious disappearance of his Papa, he began ruling over his village, up until his untimely… Well, let’s...
Event Type
Sweet@Keiller Centre
Running Time
60 min
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